
Rabu, 17 Juni 2020

Narration Script - A Passage of Book

Solitude, A Singular Life In a Crowded World- Michael Harris

Voice Age: 
Mature Sounding

Female or Male

Art Direction:
Have fun with these literature scripts. Try to make a sound like a psychologist talking to his patient


Narrate this passage in your natural accent.

Word Count: 
137 words

It doesn’t help matters that hits of social grooming via our phones release dopamine in our brains , activating our pleasure/reward system. 
“When I spoke with psycologist Elizabeth Waterman, who specializes in these addictions, she told me, 
We are simply hard-wired to share for our own survival”. And the more we share, the better we feel-in the short term at least: 
“The reward system in the brain light up when we know that information of ours has been shared with a few”. The primate’s chest pumps up as it grooms an entire crowd. Who on Twitter hasn’t felt that jolt of dopamine when an expertly “offhand” remark get multiple retweets?

Tellingly, our digital desires are focused almost exclusively on the social. Waterman told me that it’s mostly social media apps that leave people at risk for addiction.

mention some tenses you can get from the narration script, then change the form into passive/active voice.
  • I spoke with pyschologist= Psychologist  was spoke with me
  • The reward system in the brain lights up = The brain is lights up by the reward system
  • Information of ours has been shared with many people = Many people have been shared information of ours

voice over recording 

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Sabtu, 02 Mei 2020

Modal Verbs?!

What is modal vebs?

Modal verbs is words that express differnent kinds of things, for instance to express:

  • ability
  • posibility
  • permission
  • obligation
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb 

the modal verbs include:
  • can             could
  • may            might
  • should       ought to
  • must          haveto
  • will             shall         would

How to application modal verbs in a sentence?

Use as is don't change
They do not change their form (spelling) and they have no infinitive or participle (past/present/future). so modal verbs no needed add -es, -s, -ing 
for the example:
        she can sing
        she cans sing

Use base verb (Verb 1) after modal
don't ude word "to"
for the example:
        he should come here
        he should to come here

To make a negative sentence,
use "not" after modals don't use "don't, doesn't, isnot, are not, was not". excepet have to

          you should not go
          you don’t should go

Different function of each modal verbs

used to express 
      ability (kemampuan):
        Dina can speak English.
      permission (permisi/ijin): 
        Can I bring this book?
      possibility (kemungkinan):
        Smoking can be dangerous for our health.
used to express:
      past ability (kemampuan di waktu lampau):
        When she was young, she could run every day.
      permission (permisi/ijin): 
        Could you help me?
      bentuk lampau dari can: 
        We know she can play tennis → We know she could play tennis.
Used to express:
      possibility (kemungkinan):
         It may rain tonight.
      permission (permisi/ijin): 
        May I borrow your pencil? (May lebih formal dan sopan dari can dan could)
To express
      possibility (kemungkinan):
        They might come tonight. (might lebih lemah dari may)
      permission (permisi/ijin):
         Might I go now? (Might lebih formal dan sopan dari may, can dan could)
To expresss:
      assumption (pengiraan):
        will not be at home this evening.
      mild promise (janji ringan):
         I will help you if I can.
      request (permintaan): 
        Will you put this dictionary?
      refusal (penolakan):   
        won’t go to Jakarta. (dalam bentuk negative) 

To express:
      Kemauan atau niatan (willingness)
        Would you like come to my house?
       kemungkinan (probability in past future tense)
        Kim Heechul would be dating an Indonesian women this day.
To express:
        The teacher shall report the students performance to their parents.
      Suggestion and advice :
        Shinta should change her mind about this case.
        We should talk to each other more often
To express
       keharusan :
        We must finish our homework now 
        henry must obey the rule

Ought To
To express:
It is raining so hard, you ought to not go outside.

the video below is a little explanation from me about "Capital Verbs"

sorry for bad resolution, and noisy audio


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