Senin, 06 April 2020

10 kinds of Pronouns

Subject Pronoun (Kata ganti subyek)
Subject pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti kata ganti subyek, yakni kata yang berperan menggantikan subyek dan biasanya ciri-ciri subyek (pelaku) berada di awal kalimat.
Kata ganti subjek: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and who.
·        My name is riizhu, I live in Indonesia
·        riizhu and Arin are friend, we are friend
·        Hi Alex, do you like cats
·        Maura is my sister, she is beautiful
·        Udin is my friend, he is very kind
·        This is my cat, It is very funny
·        These are my books, they are my books

Object Pronoun (Kata ganti object)
object pronoun yang berarti kata ganti object, seperti namanya, kata ganti ini fungsinya adalah menggantikan object.
Kata ganti objek. Me, you, us, them, her, him, it.
·        Give me some money
·        All about us
Semua tentang 
·        I know her
·        She hate him
·        This cat is very funny, I like it
·        Despite these cars are expensive but I'll buy them

Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjective adalah adjective yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikkan kata benda (noun) yang dimodifikasinya.
Kata ganti kepunyaan pada posisi subjek. My, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose.
  • This is my book. (“My” menerangkan kepemilikan “book”, bahwa “book” adalah milik “I” atau saya)
  • Their new puppy is named Brownie, because he’s so small and brown. (“Their” menerangkan bahwa “new puppy” yang dinamai Brownie adalah milik “They” atau mereka)
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Di dalam suatu kalimat, kata ini dapat menempati posisi sebagai subject, subject complement, atau direct object.
Kata ganti kepunyaan pada posisi objek. “mine,” “yours,” “his,” “hers,” “ours,” and “theirs.”
·        Mine has worn out.
·        Yours are on the table.
·        Theirs are the best for dry skin.

Reflexive Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada diri sendiri.
Kata ganti yang mencerminkan yang tindakan yangdilakukan oleh subjek sendiri. Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
·        Rio likes to take pictures of him by himself.
·        She went to school by herself.
·        Joko is reading a book by himself.

Demonstrative Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan sebagai penunjuk
Kata ganti yang menunjukkan objek yang dimaksud. Thisthatthese, and those.
·        I bought this dress in Paris
·        Mira gave these cute pens to me in my birthday
·        I put your book on that table
·        Those cars are very expensive

Relative Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan klausa.
Kata ganti penjelasan. Which, that, who, whom, whose, and where are
·        The boy who is playing football on the field is my neighbour.
·        He can choose a room whichever he likes.
·        The woman whose car I want to buy is my old friend.
·        The team whom you were watching has won three gold medals.
·        The laptop that I bought five years ago is still work properly.

Interrogative Pronouns
Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menanyakan 5W + 1H, yakni apa, siapa, dimana, kapan, dan bagaimana. Who, which, what, where, when, and how.
·        Who eat my noodles?
·        Where did you go last night?

Reciprocal Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu hal.
Kata ganti yang mengungkapkan balasan yang dilakukan satu sama lain. Each other and one another.
·        They congratulated each other on their graduation.
·        The five mountaineers helped one another during the storm.
 Distributive pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang bentuknya tunggal (singular) dan selalu diikuti kata kerja (verb) tunggal juga.
each, everything, none, neither, either, everyone, everybody, both, any, one, etc.
·         We each think the same.
·         Each of us think the same.
·         Either boy is my brother.
·         Neither book or magazine can be bought from that shop.
·         We goes to school every day.



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